Articles on: Steer Projects

Quick Access

Last Updated: October 10, 2023

Quick Access Menu

Customizing Frequently Used Workflows

The Quick Access menu is a feature that allows you to swiftly access frequently used forms and customize them to your preferences. With this feature, you can proceed to your most used workflows without searching through menus.


To navigate to the Quick Access Menu, follow the outlined steps below:

Log in to Steer and select the project you are working on.

Fig. 1: Steer Projects
In the Steer dashboard, locate the Quick Access button at the top left and click on it.

Fig. 2: Quick Access Button
The Steer Quick Access Menu modal will appear enabling you to choose a workflow.

Fig. 3: Quick Access Menu
To configure your quick access menu, click on Config Menu. This will allow you to customize which workflows will be included on your Quick Access menu.

Fig. 4: Quick Access Configuration Menu
Drag items from the right column to the left column to exclude workflows from your Quick Access menu, and vice versa.
Drag items to the preferred position to reorder which workflow will display first in line in the Quick Access menu.

Fig. 5: Quick Access Menu Edit Configuration
Click on Save, once done.

Fig. 6: Quick Access Save Changes Button
You can navigate to your quick access menu without clicking the Quick access button by enabling the Always Open Menu located at the left bottom of the Quick Access menu modal.

Fig. 7: Quick Access Always Open Menu
When you enable the Always Open menu, the Quick Access menu modal appears whenever you open a project.

Need more help? Send us an email at, or send us a message on the chat widget.

Updated on: 15/11/2023

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