Articles on: Steer Site Materials Management

Materials Return: Returning Materials to the Warehouse

Last Updated: August 30, 2023

Creating a Material Return Request

Before proceeding with the creation of a request, below is an outline of materials return form that provides a clear overview for users. This form includes a brief description to guide you through the process:

Materials Return Form Outline

UserForm SectionDescription
Site Supervisor / Project ManagerRequest DetailsUse the PO Number field to filter the material you are looking for.
List of MaterialsAdd the materials to the table that are subject for return. Include the task and item’s name, as well as the quantity and the reason for the return.
Warehouse SupervisorApprovalContains the name of the Warehouse Staff and additional Remarks about the material return.

Make sure that the proper form access settings are enabled to each user. You can check and edit the form’s Access Settings.


Site Supervisors can send unused materials back to the warehouse which could lead to accurate reporting of actual project consumption. Materials released to the site that failed the needed specification could also be returned through this module.

To begin creating a material return request, follow the outlined steps:

Head to Site Materials module (Project Dashboard > Sidebar > Site Materials) and select Materials Return.

Fig. 1: Site Materials Module
On the Materials Return summary page, click on Create Ticket. This will open the Materials Return form.

Fig. 2: Materials Return Summary Page
On the Materials Return form, select under which Task Group the materials are from.

Fig. 3: Materials Return Form
Under the List of Materials form section, click on the plus sign to add a material for return.

Fig. 4: Materials Return - List of Materials Form Section
Fill out the details such as the name of the Task and Material, as well as the quantity being returned and the reason for the return. Click the check button above to add the material to the table, and you may add as many as necessary.

Fig. 5: Materials Return - List of Materials Form
Once done, click on Submit Ticket to notify the Warehouse of the materials being returned.

Fig. 6: Materials Return - List of Materials Form

Next Article: Materials Return: Approving a Return Request
Previous Article: Materials Releasing: Releasing Materials to Site

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Updated on: 01/09/2023

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